
Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 46

The Wireless World Research Forum plans to contribute towards the development of a smart mobile communication eco-system beyond 5G.  The widespread introduction of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is foreseen to provide a strong impetus towards improved network performance and cost-efficiency for current and even more for next generation mobile systems. Beyond 5G, services and […]

5G for CAM Deployment Challenges and Lessons Learned Webinar on 3rd December 10:00-11:45 CET

  In this webinar, 5G-MOBIX, 5G-CroCo and 5G-CARMEN2 partners are bringing forward their experience on challenges faced and lessons learned during deployment and integration of 5G for CAM use cases in cross-border scenarios. Fikret Sivrikaya (GT-ARC), leading the 5G corridor roll-out coordination within 5G-MOBIX, will provide a summary overview of the vehicle/CAM-infrastructure related issues and […]