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5G PPP @ICT-2018 Imagine Digital -Connect Europe
December 4, 2018 @ 8:00 am - December 6, 2018 @ 6:00 pm CET
The European path towards next-generation smart networks will be presented, together with 5G PPP, at ICT 2018 in Vienna on 4-6 December.
ICT 2018 will take place in Vienna on 4-6 December 2018. This research and innovation event will focus on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. It will present an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation to share their experience and vision of Europe in the digital age.
5G PPP projects will be very active. There will be four 5G PPP related booths and networking sessions:
- A 5G PPP ‘Information Kiosk’ where videos, brochures and flyers will be displayed
- A 5G PPP ‘Demo booth’ where some projects will show their demos (e.g. SliceNet eHealth and Plug and Play scenarios for verticals +2 other videos @C28 in the General Exhibition Area, 5th December 2018, 13:05-17:35)
- Two project booths: 5GCity and 5GCAR.
Networking sessions are also organised:
- Session title: Stimulating innovation over next generation 5G network infrastructures
Date, Time, Venue: 6th December 2018, 10:00-10:45, Hall L7
URL: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/events/cf/ict2018/item-display.cfm?id=22032
Organiser: Milon Gupta, Eurescom on behalf of 5G EVE, 5G-VINNI, and 5GINFIRE - Session title: Artificial Intelligence – New Solutions for Real-time Service Delivery
Date, Time, Venue: 5th December 2018, 11:30-12:15, Hall L6/3
URL: https://slicenet.eu/networking-session-at-ict-2018-on-artificial-intelligence/ and at the event site: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/events/cf/ict2018/item-display.cfm?id=21598
Organiser: Milon Gupta, Eurescom on behalf of SliceNet - Session title: Network Slicing Room 2.95, 04/12/2018 (16:00-16:45)
Network slicing is one of the core features of the flexible and adaptive mobile network architecture being introduced with 5G. The EU project 5G-MoNArch enhances and completes the network architecture such that 5G becomes actually usable for many scenarios, and it develops features and innovations on network resilience, security and elasticity that support a wide range of industrial and media & entertainment use cases. 5G-MoNArch brings E2E network slicing into practice, with implementing and deploying two real-world testbeds, namely, the Hamburg Smart Sea Port and the Turin Touristic City. Organiser: Lars Christoph SCHMELZ (Nokia, Bell Labs Research, Germany)
- On the 5G road to Smart Mobility – Hall A, Level 2, 05/12/2018 (16:30-18:00)
Connected cars will change our lives and shape the future of road transport by making transport safer, more accessible and sustainable. Vehicle connectivity and progressing automation levels are now entering the consumer and professional markets. In the meantime, the Commission set out a strategic connectivity objective: the deployment of 5G infrastructure along the main transport paths in Europe by 2025. This objective is closely linked to the expectation that 5G connectivity will be a major enabler for connected and automated mobility, a key opportunity for Europe to lead in digital innovation. Read more
- ICT-20-2019-2020 – 5G Long Term Evolution – Hall L2, 06/12/2018 (11:30-12:15)
- Whilst 5G early introduction targets “local” network improvements (e.g. at radio access level), the longer term vision targets the realisation of pervasive mobile virtual services, through a network managing compute, storage and transport connectivity functions[1] in an integrated way. The challenge is to transform the network into a low energy distributed computer, where processes and applications are dynamically created, moved and suppressed, depending on the information flows, customer needs, and where new terminal types in cars, objects, appliances, and new interfaces based on gestures, facial expressions, sound and haptics may be the basis of the interaction between humans and the infosystems.Read more
- ICT-23-2019 – EU-Taiwan 5G collaboration – Room N1, 06/12/2018 (09:00-09:45)
This activity, integrated end-to-end network for 5G trials, is to test 5G systems for specific applications and it follows up on the first targeted opening call with Taiwan in which 5G research and demonstration facilities offered by Taiwan towards collaborative 5G research with the EU. Read more
Explore the ICT-2018 Conference Programme here.