| 6G Health Institute GmbH |
| Aalborg University |
| Aalto University |
| AIT Austrian Institute of Technology |
| Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) |
| Athens University of Economics and Business |
| atlanTTic - research center for Telecommunication Technologies - Universidade de Vigo |
| Bangor University |
| CEA |
| CentraleSupelec - UPSaclay (Laboratory of Signals and Systems) |
| Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Information Technologies Institute/ (CERTH/ITI) |
| Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) |
| Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers) |
| CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers |
| Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
| Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT) |
| CYENS Centre of Excellence |
| Czech Technical University in Prague |
| Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) |
| Digital Catapult |
| DLR (German Aerospace Center) |
| ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics |
| Eindhoven University of Technology |
| European Space Agency (ESA) |
| Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
| fortiss - Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria affiliated with the Technical University of Munich |
| Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e. V |
| Fundació Privada i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya |
| Fundacion IMDEA Networks |
| GRADIANT (Galician Research Center in Advanced Telecommunications) |
| Hacettepe University |
| Harokopio University of Athens |
| IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics |
| Ikerlan |
| IMEC vzw |
| Industrial Systems Institute/Athena Research Center |
| Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) |
| Inria |
| Institut Mines-Télécom |
| Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) |
| Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science |
| Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) |
| Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (ICS-FORTH) |
| Instituto de Telecomunicações |
| Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) |
| International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) |
| IoT Lab - Europe |
| IRIDA Research Lab for Communication Technologies, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus
| Istanbul Medipol University Communications, Signal Processing, and Networking Center |
| Karlstad University |
| King’s College London |
| KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
| KU Leuven |
| Lancaster University |
| Luleå University of Technology |
| Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) |
| Maynooth University |
| Munster Technological University (MTU) |
| National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
| National Technical University of Athens |
| National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest |
| NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS |
| Oslo University Hospital |
| Polytechnic University of Bari, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering |
| Queen's University Belfast |
| RKW Sachsen Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum e.V. (AMZ Sachsen) |
RWTH Aachen University | RWTH Aachen University |
| Sabanci University |
| Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna |
| Silicon Austria Labs |
| SINTEF AS (represented by its institute SINTEF Digital) |
| SnT, University of Luxembourg |
| Sorbonne Université |
| South East Technological University |
| Sprava Informacnich technologii mesta Plzne |
| Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) |
| Tampere University |
| Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Iasi |
| Technische Universität Kaiserslautern |
| Technische Universität Dresden |
| The University of Surrey - 5G/6GIC |
| TNO |
| Trinity College Dublin |
| Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
| Universidad de Málaga |
| Universidad de Murcia |
| Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
| Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
| Università degli Studi Di Ferrara |
| Universitat Politècnica de València |
| University College Dublin |
| University College London (UCL) |
| University of Amsterdam |
| University of Bologna - DEI |
| University of Bradford |
| University of Bristol, Smart Internet Lab |
| University of Duisburg-Essen |
| University of Essex |
| University of Hertfordshire |
| University of Limerick |
| University of Oslo |
| University of Oulu - 6G Flagship |
| University of Patras |
| University of Piraeus Research Center |
| University of the West of Scotland (UWS) |
| University of the Aegean |
| University of Thessaly |
| Vicomtech |
| VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd |