Partnership between 5G IA and AIOTI to strengthen end-to-end digitalisation in Europe through collaboration between Future Networks and IoT

 In 5g IA Press Releases, News, Press releases

Joint Press Release


Brussels, 12 December, 2018 – 5G IA and AIOTI have signed a ground-breaking memorandum of understanding (MoU) at the ICT-2018 conference in Vienna. This partnership will set the scene for exploring the opportunities for new combinations of IoT applications built on world-class digital infrastructures.


Industry and policy makers met at ICT 2018, an event co-organised by the European Commission and the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU to discuss how to drive the successful digital transformation of Europe.

The 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) and the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) have agreed to explore topics of common interest relating to technologies and solutions that will shape the way we live and work.

These topics will form part of a Joint Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) that will bring together key European stakeholders.

In the Public-Private Partnership with the European Commission on 5G, 5G IA represents European industry, SMEs and research in future networks. AIOTI is the leading European alliance representing public and private organisations actively driving IoT innovation and deployment.

By working towards shared goals, this cooperation will leverage technological know-how and increase the impact of digital technologies across full value chains.


About 5G IA – Contact: Alessandro Bedeschi


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