5G-EVE webinar: The 5G EVE End-To-End Facility For Vertical Industry Trials

In this one-hour webinar, 5G-EVE will provide a detailed overview on how the 5G EVE end-to-end facility can be used for vertical industry trials. The webinar is aimed at organisations planning to perform trials and experimentation on 5G applications and services by vertical industries. The webinar will be particularly useful for project participants from Horizon […]


5G-EVE webinar: The 5G EVE End-To-End Facility For Vertical Industry Trials

In this one-hour webinar, 5G-EVE will provide a detailed overview on how the 5G EVE end-to-end facility can be used for vertical industry trials. The webinar is aimed at organisations planning to perform trials and experimentation on 5G applications and services by vertical industries. The webinar will be particularly useful for project participants from Horizon […]


5G-EVE webinar: The 5G EVE End-To-End Facility For Vertical Industry Trials

In this one-hour webinar, 5G-EVE will provide a detailed overview on how the 5G EVE end-to-end facility can be used for vertical industry trials. The webinar is aimed at organisations planning to perform trials and experimentation on 5G applications and services by vertical industries. The webinar will be particularly useful for project participants from Horizon […]


5G-EVE webinar: The 5G EVE End-To-End Facility For Vertical Industry Trials

In this one-hour webinar, 5G-EVE will provide a detailed overview on how the 5G EVE end-to-end facility can be used for vertical industry trials. The webinar is aimed at organisations planning to perform trials and experimentation on 5G applications and services by vertical industries. The webinar will be particularly useful for project participants from Horizon […]


5G-XCast and ONE 5G WS on advanced 5G radio access network features and performance @ IEEE WCNC

5G-XCast and ONE 5G are co-organising a workshop on Advanced 5G radio access network features and performance at IEEE WCNC in Marrakech, Morocco (15-19 April 2019) and call for papers. Organized by two flagship 5GPPP European projects, this workshop will bring together the leading names in industry, academia and research institutes to discuss and debate […]