5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 8: SECURITY WITH MQTT V3.1.1
Lunchtime Webinar Nr.8 Welcome to the 8th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars. These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in […]
Lunchtime Webinar Nr.8 Welcome to the 8th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars. These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in […]
Join and get insights about the 5G integration with important operational technologies and requirements, such as Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Digital Twin, Security and 5G capabilities for Industry 4.0. The fourth stage of the industrial revolution, also known as smart manufacturing, heralds an entirely new era. Its goal is to significantly improve the flexibility, versatility, usability […]
5G-MOBIX develops and tests automated vehicle functionalities using 5G core technological innovations along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites, under conditions of vehicular traffic, network coverage, service demand, as well as considering the inherently distinct legal, business and social local aspects. This webinar will take place on Wed. 14th July, 2021, 12:00- 13:30 pm […]
The European Broadband Competence Offices (BCO) is pleased to invite you to the CEF2 Digital & 5G Communities Stakeholder Consultation Workshop that will take place on Tuesday, 6 July at […]
The 2020 edition of the MWC was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The next MWC is scheduled between the 28 of June and the 1st of July, 2021. The 2021 lead theme is “Connected Impact” as a reference to the virus. 5G PPP projects will participate in the event which will bring significant opportunities. […]
The IET INDIA DIGITAL CONVERSATION ON “5G AND BEYOND – USE CASES OF MOBILE CONNECTIVITY” DRIVEN BY ETSI will take place online on Friday, June 25, 2021, 2:00-3:30 PM IST (Indian Standard Time). More detailed information is available at: https://indico-ictstandards.eu/upcoming-events/india/iet-india-digital-conversation-on-5g-and-beyond-use-cases-of-mobile-connectivity-driven-by-etsi Registration link: https://digitalconversations.in/webinars/5g-and-beyond
5GZORRO will be presenting a Virtual Booth with live interaction from 23 to 25 June at the 16th European Spectrum Management Conference. The Conference is targeting policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders from mobile, satellite, broadcast, public safety, among others. Speakes include: Gilles Brégant, Director General ANFr, Philip Marnink, Spectrum Group Director Ofcom, Thomas Heutmann, Head […]
The 5G-SMART project is organizing a webinar entitled “5G and Industrial Robotics, Testbed Insights and Outlook” on the 22nd of June, 2021 at 3 pm CEST with 90 minutes duration. Book your agenda for this event and register your anticipated participation here. Details for the webinar link will be given on the 18th of June. Abstract: Industrial robotics in smart manufacturing is one of […]
Scope: The Test, Measurement, and KPIs Validation (TMV) Working Group was founded as part of the 5G PPP effort to promote commonalities across projects that have strong interest in the Test and Measurement methodologies needed to provide support to the vertical use cases in 5G experimentation networks. Such efforts include the development of Test and […]
Join and get insights about the 5G integration with important operational technologies and requirements, such as Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Digital Twin, Security and 5G capabilities for Industry 4.0. The fourth stage of the industrial revolution, also known as smart manufacturing, heralds an entirely new era. Its goal is to significantly improve the flexibility, versatility, usability […]
This one-day workshop is organized by the Horizon 2020 project INSPIRE-5Gplus. It will bring together researchers and practitioners from several domains such as actuaries, jurists, researchers in networking and multi-agent systems to present existing challenges and approaches for liability management for multi-party 5G ecosystems and provided digital services, with a forward-looking perspective for Beyond 5G […]
Jacques Magen, Full5G and Chair SME Working Group, Networld Europe, European Technology Platform will be a panelist for the B1: TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION AND INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS on Monday 21 June - 10:50-12:10 UTC-4 chaired by Pierre Boucher, General Manager Innovation ENCQOR, Canada. IEEE ICC 2021 was originally planned be hosted as a f-2-f conference from June […]