5G-LOGINNOV and 5GMETA Workshop on ‘Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G Ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries’ @EuCNC & 6G Summit

The European H2020 projects 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV organise a Workshop on 'Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries' on June 8th, 9:30-11:00/11:30-13:00 CEST @EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021. This workshop explores the various applications of 5G, with a focus on the logistics and automotive sectors. Data has become […]

5GZORRO @30th EuCNC & 6G Summit

5GZORRO is working on Zero-touch automation, security and trust among multiple parties through blockchains, network slicing across various domains, ubiquitous computing and connectivity for multi-operator 5G networks, Distributed Ledgers for Telcos. 5GZORRO partners have prepared a series of very relevant contributions and activities in this context: -Two conference papers will be presented: ‘Blockchain-Based Zero Touch Service Assurance […]

EuCNC 6G Summit 2021

5G Vertical User Workshop

EuCNC 2021 is the 30th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing, and supported by the European Commission. EuCNC 2021 intends to introduce 6G. This conference is one of the most prominent communications and networking conferences […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 6-2: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture (Part 2)

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.6-2  Welcome to the 6th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: 5GCroCo: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture This webinar is based on Deliverable […]

5G CLARITY expert panel@ 5G Week: “Private Networks, Challenges, Technical Innovations and Beyond the 5G Roadmap”

5G-CLARITY is organising an expert panel in the 5G Week event (June 4th, at 1000 BST)  on ‘Private Networks: Challenges, Technical Innovations, and Beyond 5G Roadmap’     Here is the program and the experts: Content Outline: – MNOs and Private 5G Networks – A Perfect Catalyst for Industry Digitisation – High Precision Indoor Localisation […]

5G CLARITY expert panel@ 5G Week: “Private Networks, Challenges, Technical Innovations and Beyond the 5G Roadmap”

5G-CLARITY is organising an expert panel in the 5G Week event (June 4th, at 1000 BST)  on ‘Private Networks: Challenges, Technical Innovations, and Beyond 5G Roadmap’     Here is the program and the experts: Content Outline: – MNOs and Private 5G Networks – A Perfect Catalyst for Industry Digitisation – High Precision Indoor Localisation […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 6-1: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture (Part 1)

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.6-1  Welcome to the 6th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: 5GCroCo: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture This webinar is based on Deliverable […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 6-1: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture (Part 1)

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.6-1  Welcome to the 6th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: 5GCroCo: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture This webinar is based on Deliverable […]

Final 5G EVE Webinar – Validation-Platform Achievements and Multi-Site Use-Case Deployment

In this three -hour webinar, we will present the major achievements in the development and use of the 5G EVE validation platform, and we will demonstrate the multi-site capabilities of the platform. Experts from the consortium will present new platform features like, for example, performance diagnostics, and demonstrate the 5G EVE gaming use case as […]

5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Industrial 5G – Where are we?”

Join and get insights about the 5G integration with important operational technologies and requirements, such as Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Digital Twin, Security and 5G capabilities for Industry 4.0. The fourth stage of the industrial revolution, also known as smart manufacturing, heralds an entirely new era. Its goal is to significantly improve the flexibility, versatility, usability […]

5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Industrial 5G – Where are we?”

Join and get insights about the 5G integration with important operational technologies and requirements, such as Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Digital Twin, Security and 5G capabilities for Industry 4.0. The fourth stage of the industrial revolution, also known as smart manufacturing, heralds an entirely new era. Its goal is to significantly improve the flexibility, versatility, usability […]