3GPP MRP webinar – 3GPP Standards on Edge Computing

This webinar gives key insights into 5G standardisation work on edge computing in 3GPP. TSG Chairman, Georg Mayer, gives an overview on work underway in Services and Systems Aspects (SA). […]

W4: 5G-enabled safety and support services for cooperative, connected and automated mobility

Safety and support services running on top of 5G network infrastructures have a great opportunity to facilitate cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) for automotive and transport verticals in a variety of road conditions and operational environments. As the rollouts of commercial 5G networks continue all over the world, the increasing coverage and continuously evolving […]

W4: 5G-enabled safety and support services for cooperative, connected and automated mobility

Safety and support services running on top of 5G network infrastructures have a great opportunity to facilitate cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) for automotive and transport verticals in a variety of road conditions and operational environments. As the rollouts of commercial 5G networks continue all over the world, the increasing coverage and continuously evolving […]

5G-LOGINNOV webinar on “Connectivity and beyond:How 5G ecosystem mpowers the port and logistics industry” @Connectivity EU Insights

5G -LOGINNOV is organising a dedicated session during “Connecting EU Insights” , the one week digital appointment to gain an accurate and deep understanding of the pivotal topics for the development of the maritime industry and its green transition.. The 5G-LOGINNOV session is titled “Connectivity and beyond: How 5G ecosystem empowers the port and logistics […]

5G-LOGINNOV webinar on “Connectivity and beyond:How 5G ecosystem mpowers the port and logistics industry” @Connectivity EU Insights

5G -LOGINNOV is organising a dedicated session during “Connecting EU Insights” , the one week digital appointment to gain an accurate and deep understanding of the pivotal topics for the development of the maritime industry and its green transition.. The 5G-LOGINNOV session is titled “Connectivity and beyond: How 5G ecosystem empowers the port and logistics […]

6GSymposium Europe – Shaping Industry & Society Beyond 5G

By 2030 and the dawn of commercial 6G the world’s climate aspirations, population, economy and work will have changed. If we are to deliver a smart, connected world that can meet the many demands on it, we need to start with all the stakeholders in the room and grow a complete set of viable solutions […]

6GSymposium Europe – Shaping Industry & Society Beyond 5G

By 2030 and the dawn of commercial 6G the world’s climate aspirations, population, economy and work will have changed. If we are to deliver a smart, connected world that can meet the many demands on it, we need to start with all the stakeholders in the room and grow a complete set of viable solutions […]

5G-HEART webinar series Webinar #3: Aquaculture vertical trials

5G-HEART organises its 3rd Webinar on Aquaculture vertical trials on May 7, 2021 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (UTC+3). The agenda of the meeting will be: Aquaculture vertical: View of general landscape Need for 5G AQUAWINGS platform: What metrics are measured (O2, CO2, ammonia, etc,) Prediction analytics for fish biomass Real measurement and analytics […]

5G-HEART webinar series Webinar #3: Aquaculture vertical trials

5G-HEART organises its 3rd Webinar on Aquaculture vertical trials on May 7, 2021 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (UTC+3). The agenda of the meeting will be: Aquaculture vertical: View of general landscape Need for 5G AQUAWINGS platform: What metrics are measured (O2, CO2, ammonia, etc,) Prediction analytics for fish biomass Real measurement and analytics […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 4-1: Docker Security Part 1

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.4-1  Welcome to the 4th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: Security Guideline for Docker Container technologies have seen a rise in popularity […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 4-1: Docker Security Part 1

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.4-1  Welcome to the 4th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: Security Guideline for Docker Container technologies have seen a rise in popularity […]

IEEE 5G Virtual Summit – IEEE 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)

  In the context of the European 5G Action Plan, the mobility vertical, spanning road, rail, water ways and coastal maritime, including a multi-modality component, has been singled out as a driver of the European Single Digital Market. The main societal objectives of Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) are Safer Rides (enhanced road safety), More […]