5G-SMART webinar on “5G and Industrial Robotics, Testbed Insights and Outlook” 

  The 5G-SMART project is organizing a webinar entitled “5G and Industrial Robotics, Testbed Insights and Outlook” on the 22nd of June, 2021 at 3 pm CEST with 90 minutes duration. Book your agenda for this event and register your anticipated participation here. Details for the webinar link will be given on the 18th of June.   Abstract:  Industrial robotics in smart manufacturing is one of […]

Practical insights from 5G Test, Measurement and KPI Validation with vertical applications

Scope: The Test, Measurement, and KPIs Validation (TMV) Working Group was founded as part of the 5G PPP effort to promote commonalities across projects that have strong interest in the Test and Measurement methodologies needed to provide support to the vertical use cases in 5G experimentation networks. Such efforts include the development of Test and […]

5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Integration of 5G with Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Communications”

Join and get insights about the 5G integration with important operational technologies and requirements, such as Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Digital Twin, Security and 5G capabilities for Industry 4.0. The fourth stage of the industrial revolution, also known as smart manufacturing, heralds an entirely new era. Its goal is to significantly improve the flexibility, versatility, usability […]

Workshop on Accountability and Liability for 5G and beyond – WAL5Gplus

This one-day workshop is organized by the Horizon 2020 project INSPIRE-5Gplus. It will bring together researchers and practitioners from several domains such as actuaries, jurists, researchers in networking and multi-agent systems to present existing challenges and approaches for liability management for multi-party 5G ecosystems and provided digital services, with a forward-looking perspective for Beyond 5G […]

5 PPP @ IEEE International Conference on Communications 2021

Jacques Magen, Full5G and Chair SME Working Group, Networld Europe, European Technology Platform will be a panelist for the B1: TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION AND INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS on Monday 21 June - 10:50-12:10 UTC-4 chaired by Pierre Boucher, General Manager Innovation ENCQOR, Canada. IEEE ICC 2021 was originally planned be hosted as a f-2-f conference from June […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 7: Service Orchestration: NFV MANO and SDN

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.7  Welcome to the 7th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented. AGENDA: 5GCroCo: Service Orchestration: NFV MANO and SDN integrated architectures in cross-domain scenarios […]

‘Smart Networks and Services Info Session’ @EuCNC 2021 & 6G Summit

The 5G IA is pleased to invite you at the "Smart Networks and Services Info Session" on 11th June, @14:30-17:30 CEST during EuCNC & 6G Summit. This EuCNC session aims to explain the scope, objectives and structure of the European partnership on Smart Networks and Services (SNS), part of the Commission proposal for a Council […]

COREnect Panel “Components and Hardware on the Road to 6G”

COREnect is developing a cross-industry technology roadmap of core component and subsystem technologies for the evolution of 5G towards 6G. The strategic goal of the project is to help diversify and reduce European dependence on other continents when building up future connectivity systems. This panel will elaborate on the first COREnect’s findings and results related […]

COREnect Workshop “Hardware Enabling Technologies for 6G Networks”

Combining insights and expertise from the communication and microelectronics domain, the three expert groups will address three key areas and share their sector-specific views points on: a) Electronics for Trustworthy Communication (6G and beyond), b) Future Core Technologies and Integration and c) Energy-efficient, Green Communication Electronics.   The Workshop will also include a panel discussion […]

5G-LOGINNOV and 5GMETA Workshop on ‘Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G Ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries’ @EuCNC & 6G Summit

The European H2020 projects 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV organise a Workshop on 'Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries' on June 8th, 9:30-11:00/11:30-13:00 CEST @EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021. This workshop explores the various applications of 5G, with a focus on the logistics and automotive sectors. Data has become […]

5GZORRO @30th EuCNC & 6G Summit

5GZORRO is working on Zero-touch automation, security and trust among multiple parties through blockchains, network slicing across various domains, ubiquitous computing and connectivity for multi-operator 5G networks, Distributed Ledgers for Telcos. 5GZORRO partners have prepared a series of very relevant contributions and activities in this context: -Two conference papers will be presented: ‘Blockchain-Based Zero Touch Service Assurance […]

EuCNC 6G Summit 2021

5G Vertical User Workshop

EuCNC 2021 is the 30th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing, and supported by the European Commission. EuCNC 2021 intends to introduce 6G. This conference is one of the most prominent communications and networking conferences […]