2nd GAIA-X Summit

GAIA-X pushes for a federated and secure data infrasctructure: innovation through digital sovereignty by establishing an ecosystem in which data is made available, collated and shared in a trustworthy environment. […]

EC Virtual Workshop on “Digital Autonomy in the computing continuum”

It is necessary to ensure convergence of several technologies, including cloud, edge, IoT, 5G, AI, etc., where distributed resources and services can be smoothly orchestrated and aggregated on demand to support a variety of data-driven applications. The workshop is virtually held on 11 November, 9:30-16:30 CEST is organised by the European Commission in collaboration with […]

One6G Summit: Global 6G vision, key values, and technologies

  The mobile communication system has become the fundamental infrastructure of the entire society. It does not only bring connectivity to individual persons but also incubates innovations that trigger the entire society’s digital transformation. After the global commercialization of 5G, 6G has begun its journey. Due to numerous global initiatives, nationally funded projects, and industrial […]

ESA and PSCE Online Workshop: “Satellite Applications for Public Safety”

ESA and PSCE are co-organising a Workshop on Satellite Applications for Public Safety. The workshop will take place on 9 November 2021 and be the occasion to introduce the ESA 4S programme (Space Systems for Safety and Security) and share the results of two studies led by ENEA and ADL to identify the needs of […]

5GROWTH & 5G-DIVE Exploration Workshop “Experiences from field trial about vertical industry”

Driven by cellular technology, a rapid transformation of all industries is underway, with countless innovative solutions reshaping every sector for the better. Any sector can harness cellular to solve ongoing challenges and boost their agility, efficiency, safety, and profitability. In this context, business and technical aspects are strictly related as the new 5G paradigm has […]

Workshop on “Tele-Health Solutions Powered by 5G”

The 5G-HEART and 5G-TOURS Joint Workshop on Tele-Health Solutions Powered by 5G, that will take place on 22nd October 2021, 09:00 – 13:00 CEST. The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss upcoming opportunities in the healthcare sector enabled by technology developments in 5G. Register online here.

Stakeholder Workshop on 5G corridor deployment in the perspective of CEF2-Digital and the Recovery and Resilience Plan

The 5G IA Working Group on 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (5G for CAM WG), supported by ERTICO and DG CONNECT, organises a workshop focusing on the deployment of 5G networks along major transport paths to enable advanced Connected and Automate Mobility (CAM) services. It will be the opportunity for all stakeholders to provide […]

8th Global 5G Event ‘5G Empowers the Digital Economy’

As the global gathering in 5G field, the global 5G event is a key platform for mobile communications and related industries to release 5G achievements, conduct exchanges, explore cooperation, build consensus and achieve win-win development. It provides strong supprt for the establishment of global unified 5G technology standards and industrial ecollogy, and has a far-reaching […]

Worldwide 5G Industry Fora Session 2021@ 5G World Forum 2021

The Worldwide 5G Industry Fora Session 2021 “5G Trends, Applications and Collaborations: Regional Visions, Verticals trials and pilots, and Inter-Regional Cooperation Activities”  (organised in the framework of the 2021 IEEE 5G World Forum) will take place online on 13th October starting at 17:00 CEST.   Information on the Programme and the Speakers is available at […]

5G-CARMEN Webinar on System Architecture and Interfaces

5G-CARMEN organises a webinar on System Architecture and Interfaces on Octboer 8th, 2021 @ 10:00-11:00 CEST. This webinar will present a preliminary version of the 5G-CARMEN system architecture including the specifications of its sub-components, their interfaces and protocols to be used for the data exchange. To this end, a functional analysis of the use cases […]

SNS Webinar for Verticals

INTRODUCTION: The 5G PPP partnership has been a successful collaborative research effort to create and apply 5G technology with a European footprint. in this partnership, Large industry, SMEs and Academia have collaborated to shape the 5G building blocks, influence standardization and trial meaningful use cases for society and the economy. A central part of the […]