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TERAWAY Workshop “Photonic integration as a key enabling technology for 6G and beyond” @EuCNC 2022
June 7, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm CEST
TERAWAY is a project designed to address wireless network challenging requirements imposed by 5G verticals and B5G/6G use cases i.e., ultra-high capacity, ultra-broadband connectivity, reliability and latency requirements, exploiting Terahertz (THz) wireless communication technology, by leveraging optical concepts and photonic integration techniques. The project is in the process of designing and fabricating groundbreaking transceiver modules operating at the range 92 – 322 GHz, offering up to 241 Gb/s data rate with transmission reach more than 400 m. The solution is integrated by the implementation of a new software defined networking (SDN). The proposed workshop aims, on one hand, at propagating the project’s advancements and novelties in photonic technology and their appliance in the future generations of wireless communications networks. On the other hand, it aims at contributing to the evolving dialogue regarding the concerned technologies among research, regulatory and industry communities by means of sharing research findings as well as identifying chanllenges and gaps. EuCNC & 6G Summit is the right forum to realise this objective, since it attracts significant actors from all above mentioned realms and promotes the dialogue among them.
The proposed workshop is designed to address multiple “TRACKS” as those are identified by EuCNC & 6G Summit, i.e.:
- 6ET – Technologies for Tbps transmission (Session A)
- 6ET – Novel network architectures (Session B)
- 6ET – New transceiver architectures and computing paradigms (Session C)
- PHY – Beyond 5G & 6G and THertz communications (Session A)
- NET – New network protocols and architectures (Session B)
- NET – Software defined networking (Session B)
- CME – Antenna design and integration (Session C)
The proposed workshop’s speaker – list includes two renowned keynote speakers-external to the project team; Tadao Nagatsuma (Osaka U, Japan), Prof. Thomas Kürner (TU Braunschweig) who are invited to complement the workshop’s theme by discussing photonic technology adoption by the wireless communications and pertinent initiatives in the research and development, regulatory and business realms.
The format of the workshop is presentations, and it will be rolled out in three sessions: Session A with duration 1h 30, Session B with duration 45 min and Session C with duration 45min.
Session A – mmW/THz communications’ landscape (1h 30min, incl. Q&A)
- Keynote “Future outlook to Terahertz communications” Prof. Tadao Nagatsuma (Osaka U, Japan)
- Keynote “Spectrum regulations for Terahertz communications: Trends and needs” Prof. Thomas Kürner (TU Braunschweig, Germany).
- “mmWave & TeraHertz wireless network (transport) applications” Eduardo Yusta-Padilla (Telefónica, Spain)
Session B: Network architecture for mmWave & TeraHertz communications (45min, incl. Q&A)
- THz integration into 3GPP network slicing (Dr. Jose Costa-Requena)
- THz management controller (ONF) (Dr. Nicola Carapellese)
Session C: Photonics-enabled wireless transceivers (45min, incl. Q&A)
- Novel photonic components for mmWave & THz communications (Prof. Guillermo Carpintero, UC3M)
- From concept to reality: Packaging of Photonics-enabled wireless transceivers (Dr. Zerihun Tegegne, PHIX)
- Experimental results for mmWave and beyond wireless systems based on photonic techniques (Dr. Nikolaos Lyras, ICCS/NTUA)
- David de Felipe (HHI-Fraunhofer, Germany)
- Sani Paraskevopoulou (National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece)