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NetVis’ 2016 co-organised by COHERENT (16-18 May 2016)

May 15, 2016 - May 18, 2016

The NetVis’ 2016 workshop on Advances on Network Virtualization for 5G Systems will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) in conjunction with ICT 2016 (16-18 May 2016).
The 5G PPP COHERENT project is co-organising the workshop.

5G networks will provide solutions to support a dynamic range of services from different industries, e.g. mobile, energy, automobile, health and manufactory industry. Due to the nature of different industries, the requirements defined by key performance indicators, like peak data rate, average user data rate, latency, energy consumption, service deployment time, are totally different. It is very complex to manage different services in 5G networks. To release to potential of 5G networks to the full support of vertical sectors, advanced technologies like software defined network (SDN), network virtualization, network function virtualization, network slicing and sharing need to be well addressed so as to reshape the network architecture and provide flexible enough network management for 5G networks. It is the purpose of the workshop to disseminate most recent results on these topics.

Moreover, the commoditization of key processing components coupled with virtualization of infrastructure functions will lead to a radical change in the economics of mobile networks. The latter will help network providers (e.g., MNO, MVNO) move from proprietary hardware and software platforms towards open and flexible cellular systems based on general-purpose cloud infrastructures. In this context, 5G systems will see a paradigm shift in three planes: the data-plane, control-plane, and management-plane, in support of higher performance, efficient signalling, flexible and intelligent control and coordination in heterogeneous networks.

Call for papers
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
-Mobile and wireless network architecture based on SDN, cloud computing, mobile edge computing and virtualization technologies
-Network virtualization technologies for RAN, backhaul and core networks
-Software defining and abstracting strategies for network function virtualization in mobile networks
-Network slicing in 5G networks
-Dynamic resource allocation based on wireless network virtualization
-Convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks based on SDN
-Network devices programmability and customizability
-Data center technologies for future wireless networks
-Future wireless network management
-Spectrum management and sharing issues for network virtualization
-Radio and spectrum virtualization
-Network evaluations and testbeds
-Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) & SDN applications and use cases
-Cloud-native radio access networks
-Micro-service architecture and NFV
-Multi-tenancy and RAN sharing

Submission deadline:   February 20, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2016
Camera ready deadline: March 10, 2016

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers following the rules of the Main Track via EDAS using  the direct link (for more information please go here). All accepted, registered and presented papers will be indexed in IEEE Xplore database.

The COHERENT project is one of 5G PPP projects funded by the European Commission.
It aims to address these problems by researching, developing and validating a novel control framework for future mobile networks. The key innovation of COHERENT is to develop a unified programmable control framework to coordinate the underlying heterogeneous mobile networks as a whole.
-Adrian Kliks (akliks@put.poznan.pl)
-Tao Chen (tao.chen@vtt.fi)
-Navid Nikaein (navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr)
-Kostas Pentikousis (k.pentikousis@eict.de)


May 15, 2016
May 18, 2016



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