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IEEE Global Communications Conference 2020
December 7, 2020 - December 11, 2020
SECTION I: Workshop Information
Workshop Number: WS-15
Workshop Title: Early deployments of 5G network features and performance.
Workshop Organizer(s):
- Simon Fletcher (Realwireless, UK)
- Belkacem Mouhouche (Samsung R&D Institute UK)
- Roman Odarchenko (Bundleslab, Hungary)
Email Address of Organizer(s):
b.mouhouche(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)samsung.com">b.mouhouche@samsung.com
roman(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)bundleslab.com">roman@bundleslab.com
Workshop Scope:
5G systems have been under study for about a decade with the intent of meeting stringent technical KPIs to the benefit of the wireless industry but also and importantly for a diverse set of use cases in the “verticals” or industry sectors. 3GPP has finalised the first release of 5G (Rel’15) and is actively working on Rel’16 targeting acceptance into the IMT-2020 framework. With the current state of the standardisation, the many trials around the world and the early network deployment, an initial assessment of the 5G solutions can be carried out. In particular, a useful comparison can now be done between the initial vision developed at the beginning of the decade and the emerging commercial solutions. Furthermore, the challenges that remain to be addressed can be discussed in several verticals both in unicast and multicast/broadcast contexts (VR, AR, IoT, Multimedia, Health).
Organized by one flagship 5GPPP European project, this workshop will bring together the leading names in industry, academia and research institutes to discuss and debate the latest developments in this area. It offers a unique opportunity for researchers in this field to disseminate their results in all radio related aspects of 5G communications to a diverse audience. The workshop invites authors to submit original and previously unpublished research papers in the following and related topics. They could cover traditional mobile networks or any other new 5G vertical applications.
SECTION II: Topics of Interest
- 5G channel modelling and measurements
- Novel channel estimation techniques
- 5G antenna design and prototyping
- Multiple antenna techniques, incl. MIMO, Massive MIMO and Beamforming
- Control and implementation aspects for Massive MIMO and Beamforming
- Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) schemes, code design.
- Efficient Transceiver architectures and design
- 5G air interface/ waveform design and optimizations
- Advanced radio link management, incl. efficient signalling and control
- Hardware impairments – modelling and impact analysis
- 5G co-ordinated cells incl. NR-CoMP
- Heterogeneous networks
- Advanced Channel coding, waveform and Non-Uniform modulation
- Layered-Division Multiplexing
- Next generation of broadcasting systems
- Convergence of broadcasting and broadband wireless
- 5G system prototyping, PoC efforts
- 5G deployment results
- 5G security
SECTION III: Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: 15 July 2020
Date for notification: 1 September 2020
Deadline for final paper submission: 1 October 2020
SECTION IV: List of Committee Members
TPC chairs:
- Manuel Fuentes (Polytechnic University of Valencia, mafuemue(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)iteam.upv.es">mafuemue@iteam.upv.es)
- Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS, pdemest(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)wings-ict-solutions.eu">pdemest@wings-ict-solutions.eu)
TPC Members:
Diego Gonzalez (Samsung R&D, UK) | David Gutierrez (Samsung R&D, UK) |
Albert Banchs, (UC3M, Spain) | Yannis Gravezas(Samsung R&D, UK) |
De Mi (University of Surrey, UK) | Manuel Fuentes (UPV, Spain) |
Maxim Iavich (Caucasus University, Georgia) | Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, KSA) |
Jugoslav Achkoski (Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski”, North Macedonia) | Galini Tsoukaneri (Samsung R&D, UK) |
Marek Aleksander (High State Vocational School, Nowy Sacz) | Jamil Al-Azzeh (Al-Balqa University, Jordan) |
Jordi Joan Gimenez (IRT, Germany) | Nurgul Seilova (Satbayev University, Kazakhstan) |
Roman Odarchenko (Bundleslab, Hungary) | Saulius Japertas (Kaunas Technical University, Lithuania) |
Zhengbing Hu (Central China Normal University, PRC) | Yevgeniya Sulema (Bundleslab, Hungary) |
Sergiy Gnatiuk (National aviation university, Ukraine) | Tetiana Okhrimenko (National aviation university, Ukraine) |
Daniel Corujo (Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal) | Taras Maksymyuk (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine) |
More information in the IEEE GLOBECOM site.