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IEEE 5G Virtual Summit – IEEE 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)
May 11, 2021 @ 8:45 am - May 12, 2021 @ 5:00 pm CEST
In the context of the European 5G Action Plan, the mobility vertical, spanning road, rail, water ways and coastal maritime, including a multi-modality component, has been singled out as a driver of the European Single Digital Market. The main societal objectives of Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) are Safer Rides (enhanced road safety), More Efficient Rides (lower emissions and reduced congestion) and Connected Rides (infotainment). But the impact of CAM on jobs and growth, as well as on global competitiveness, will be paramount. This will be achieved by building a complete ecosystem around infrastructure, equipment and services on top of 5G advanced connectivity, whilst mutualizing the huge investments in mobile and fixed broadband. Considerable effort and funding (from Horizon 2020) has been put into large-scale testing and validation, and even pre-deployment, of 5G namely in cross-border segments of Trans-European Transport Corridors. The objective is now to move towards large-scale deployment across the Continent.
This first 5G for CAM conference will bring together a variety of EU-funded projects in the area of CAM, to share their experiences and present results with a view towards deployment. As Horizon 2020 is open to International participation, the event will also provide an opportunity to address a broader global perspective.
Many 5G PPP projects will be present: Phase 3 5G PPP Automotive Projects 5G-CARMEN, 5G-CROCO and 5G-MOBIX and 5G for CAM Projects 5G-MED, 5G-RAIL, 5G-ROUTES will be there and will be accompanied by 5G-HEART a 5G PPP Phase 3, Part 3 Project on “5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials”, by 5G-LOGINNOV a 5G PPP Phase 3 Part 5 Project which envisions to use technologies to innovate logistics and ports, by Vital 5G a 5G PPP Phase 3 Part 6 Project on “Vertical Innovations in Transport And Logistics over 5G experimentation facilities” and by 5G-PICTURE a 5G PPP Phase 2 Project on “5G Programmable Infrastructure Converging disaggregated neTwork and compUte Resources” and by the H2020 5G-DRIVE project.
More information about this event here.