Key purpose
Early alignment among 5G-PPP projects in the wireless strand on key assumptions and models related to the 5G RAN design, in particular focusing on
- Scenarios, requirements, test cases
- Spectrum assumptions
- Common scenarios and models for performance evaluation of 5G RAN concepts
- Basic RAN design considerations
- Visualization of 5G RAN concepts
The workshop is pre-structured according to the particular needs of the METIS-II project, but the organizers are open to any proposals from the participating projects to adjust the structure, for instance to accommodate needs from other projects. In general, all participating projects are highly encouraged to share their viewpoints in the form of presentations on the topics above, or other topics of interest.
In advance to the workshop, the following reports will be shared by the METIS-II project:
- R 1.1 “Preliminary refined scenarios and requirements, and consolidated test cases”
- R 2.1 “RAN design guideline and methodology”
- R 2.2 “Preliminary performance evaluation framework”
- R 3.1 “Prel. spectrum scen. and justification for WRC Agenda Item for 5G bands above 6 GHz”
- R 7.1 “Preliminary 5G visualisation considerations”
The discussion in the workshop will be used to refine and enhance these reports towards later public deliverables disseminated from METIS-II.
Who should join
Project leaders, technical managers and/or selected technical experts from projects in the 5G-PPP wireless strand. As a guidance, about 2 – max. 5 persons should join on behalf of each project. The workshop may make use of parallel tracks, depending on the need and number of delegates per project.
Agenda and schedule
Preliminary schedule is available here: 5GPPP_WirelessStrandWorkshop