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ETSI Workshop on Future Network Technologies, Jan. 27-28 2016, Sophia Antipolis
January 27, 2016 - January 28, 2016
Spectrum scarcity has become a major issue for commercial, public safety and other wireless communication systems. Consequently, future air interfaces (waveforms) and modulation types are about to meet a dramatic shift in design requirements.
Recent innovations indeed feed hope for new designs which allow for a substantial increase in spectrum efficiency, a dramatic reduction of out-of-band radiation reducing the “pollution” of neighbouring systems augmenting the user experience by improving the system reliability and maximizing the bit rate as a function of the available spectrum.
A new approach to the air interfaces, modulations and the TX/RX chains in general is likely to be a building block of future wireless systems and may impact the overall network architecture as well as the radio device architecture.
Objectives of the workshop
This workshop will investigate innovative solutions related to future network air interfaces as well as their impact on the overall system architecture. Innovative solutions to be addressed may include the usage of:
• a single air interface for multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs)
• advanced solutions for multi-RAT communication
• cognitive/adaptive air interfaces and related modulation types
• adaptive pre/post-processing & coding
• multi air interface (cognitive) management and control
Programme Commitee
Chair: Markus Mueck, Senior Manager Standardisation, Intel, DE
Andrea Lorelli, Senior Research Officer, ETSI, FR
Fun Hu, Professor of Wireless Communications, University of Bradford, UK
Frank Schaich, Research Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent, DE
Gerhard Wunder, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute, DE
Paulo Marques, Senior Research Engineer, Instituto de Telecomunicações – PT
Paul Bander, Senior Advisor New Technologies, BnetzA, DE
Seungwon Choi, Professor, University of Hanyang, KR
Vladimir Ivanov, Principal Engineer at LG Electronics, KR
Related Twitter channels / hashtags
https://twitter.com/fantastic5g; #5gppp, #5G