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5G PPP @ Helsinki 5G week, 18-21 September
September 18, 2017 @ 7:00 am - September 21, 2017 @ 4:00 pm CEST
5G PPP projects will be at the Helsinki 5G week!
The 2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking (CSCN’17), going to be held in Helsinki. The dates of CSCN’17 were deliberately chosen to have the conference right after the Q3 Broadband Forum meeting that will take place in Helsinki, Finland (11– 14 Sep. 2017). IEEE CSCN 2017 will be collocated with the IEEE 5G-IoT Summit Helsinki, together forming the Helsinki5GWeek.
CSCN’17 will deliver a rich technical program discussing the future of mobile communications systems, offering distinguished keynotes, panels and technical sessions. The technical sessions will consist of technical papers reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background.
The track on 5G Radio and Wireless Communications co-chaired by METIS-II solicits new and previously unpublished papers on (but not limited to) the following topics:
-Physical layer and MAC layer design for cellular and other wireless networks
-Dynamic scheduling, power control, interference management, and QoS management in 5G wireless networks
-Resource Management and Control in 5G RAN (e.g. RAN Moderation, Traffic Steering, Mobility Control)
-Service-oriented user-plane design concepts (novel functions, functional placements, RAN/CN interface)
-Topology, deployment, and optimization of wireless networks, including heterogeneous, ultra dense, and mesh networks, device to device (D2D) communication, relays and wireless backhaul
-Dynamic radio access and backhaul topologies based on moving and unplanned small cells
-mmWave access, backhaul and self-backhauling
-Application of SDN, NFV, and cloud computing to 5G (and legacy) RAN and core network architectures and implementations, such as network slicing
-C-RAN and flexible fronthaul / backhaul
-R&D and standardization activities towards 5G and IMT-2020
-Green and energy efficient wireless networks
-Massive and FD-MIMO communications, hybrid and coordinated beamforming technology
-New control signaling for heterogeneous networks
-Next-Generation Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ax/ay)
-LTE/Wi-Fi/Wi-Gig interworking and aggregation
-5G operation and coexistence in unlicensed and shared spectrum bands
-Massive MTC (mMTC), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and long distance communications
-Automotive/V2X and ultra-reliable communications
-Next-generation non-RF communications systems (Visible light, molecular, acoustic systems)
-Spectrum regulation above 24GHz
-Results from simulation, prototyping, and experiments
This track on IoT, massice MTC and V2X invites original articles on the following topics, but are not limited to:
-IoT architecture design and optimizations
-IoT security and privacy of IoT devices and services
-System optimization to support Ultra-Low complexity devices
-Standardised semantic data description framework and technologies
-IoT communication procedure enhancements
-Experience and lessons learnt for standards based IoT large scale pilots
-IoT standards platforms interworking
-IoT interoperability methodologies
-IoT standards gap analysis
-5G Networks and IoT
-Software Defined Network (SDN) and IoT
-Industrial Internet of Things
-Factory of Things
-Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT
-IPv6-based IoT Networks
-IoT protocols such as IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, WoT
-IoT security in the sense of massive IoT deployments, e.g., embedded SIM management
-URLLC for mission critical IoT
-V2X standards and architectures
The track on Softwarisation and Virtualisation co-chaired by Flex5Gware is looking to discuss standards-related topics on Softwarization and Network Slicing. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Programmable Architecture for 5G services and verticals.
-Cross-slice management
-Central Cloud Computing vs Edge-Fog Computing.
-5G Functional Decomposition and Deployment.
-Secure Operations in Future Virtualized Networks.
-Resource Management for Network Slicing.
-Dedicated core network functions and shared network slices.
-Network slicing issues with multi-RATs devices.
-Cross-slice management for End-to- end QoS.
-Elastic Resource sharing in Virtualized Networks.
-Joint storage, computational, and communication resource optimization.
-Fundamental trade-offs in Network Softwarization.
-Experimentation experience in Softwarization and Network Slicing.
-SDN and NFV frameworks and architectures
-SDN northbound, southbound and east-west interfaces.
-SDN programming languages and data models.
-Progress and future challenges in ETSI NFV.
-Progress and future challenges in IETF/IRTF related WGs/RGs.
-SDN and NFV in wireless and mobile networks.
-Orchestration and Management in SDN and NFV.
-Multi-domain considerations in SDN and NFV.
-SDN and NFV in multi-tenancy environment.
-Open Source efforts (e.g., ETSI NFV, OPNFV, OpenStack, OpenMANO).
-QoS/QoE aspects related to SDN and NFV based network services.
-Inter/Intra Data Center considerations for hosting SDN and NFV based network services.
-Performance, Fault and Lifecycle management of virtualized network functions and network services.
-Infrastructure resource/capacity management.
-Carrier-grade performance considerations in SDN and NFV based infrastructures.
The track on 5G Fixed Carrier and Converged Networks invites contributions of unpublished papers in there of 5G Fixed Carrier andConverged Networks, addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:
-Architectural approaches addressing convergence of fixed and mobile heterogeneous network solution
-Analysis and considerations for common VNFs across fixed and mobile networks
-SDN solutions and control/data plane separation in converged fixed-mobile networks
-Network slicing for converged fixed-mobile networks
-Multi-tenancy and control of heterogeneous infrastructures
-Transporting 5G mobile services over optical access networks
-SDN solutions for mobile networks and fixed IP cross layer transport and routing
-Convergence of access and metro networks for cost effective support of 5G services
-Convergence of multiple and diverse services over a shared, multi-tenant network architecture
-5G architectures supporting Cloud-RAN and functional split options
-5G architectures supporting fronthaul/backhaul integration
-End-to- end resource optimization for 5G mobile services: from radio head to data centre
-Backhauk/fronthaul considerations for dynamic capacity and mobility management
-Delivering services over ICN in 5G within a framework enabling network slicing
-Enhancing 5G backhauk/fronthaul with ICN
-Mechanisms and protocol enhancements for Hybrid Access networks
The track on Verticals, Services and Applications co-chaired by Flex5Gware addresses the following issues. The following topic are of interest, but are not limited to:
-Specific applications/services for automotive and cooperative vehicles
-Specific applications/services for robotics and factories of the future
-Specific applications/services for eHealth and mHealth
-Specific applications/services for media and entertainment vertical
-Specific applications/services for the energy industry
-Introduction of ETSI MEC technology and applications on vertical market segments
-New introduction of end-user applications at the edge of the communication network
-Standardization under W3C and standards for future web interoperability
-Web standardization for interactivity and human interactions with web platforms
-Specific applications/services for eEducation
-Interoperability for end-to- end mobile services
-Standard architectures for service enablers including integrated networks such as mobile, fixed,satellite and optical
-Open interfaces and open source platforms
-IETF standardization for CPS
-Development of mobile service enablers specifications & Standards
-Standard architectures for delivery of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and/or Object-Based-Broadcasting by next generation communication systems
Important dates for CSCN’17:
-Submission Deadline: 01 April 2017
-Acceptance Notification: 01 July 2017
-Camera Ready: 01 August 2017
Information on the 5G-IoT Summit will come soon!
Contacts for the 5G IoT summit:
ieee5gsummit(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com
ashutosh.dutta(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ieee.org