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5G FED conference

May 14, 2021 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm CEST

5G FED CONFERENCE is confirmed on May 14, 2021, with a high-level Agenda and the participation of prestigious speakers to analyse the scenario in Italy, opportunities, critical issues, and developments.

The appointment scheduled from 09.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. CET is organized by Comunicare Digitale with the important collaboration from ASSOTELECOMUNICAZIONI, the association within the Confindustria system, that represents the telecommunications supply chain in Italy.

The Agenda is available here. To participate at this important conference, free registration is required at www.fed2021.com.

The opening day will be addressed by Anna Ascani, Undersecretary of MISE, followed by Patrizia Toia, Vice-Chair of European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), while Laura Aria, Commissioner of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications, will close the works.

The event in digital mode can be followed on Connect digital platform https://www.fed2021.com/, Assotelecomunicazioni website, Comunicare Digitale social platforms, and also on the websites of our important media partners, such as Digital Sat News and Monitor Radio. TV.

The program includes two major round tables. The first with the Italian operators, moderated by Andrea Biondi from Il Sole 24 Ore, the second with the main industry operators active on the market, with latest news and further understanding on new applications.


““With great enthusiasm we join the 5G FED Conference”, declares Laura Di Raimondo, Asstel-Assotelecomunicazioni General Director. “For Asstel it is a priority to continue to inform and train on the potential and new services that will be enabled thanks to the fifth-generation mobile network, intended to completely change the way people connect to Internet and communicate with objects. 5G is an ecosystem that reshapes the future: from services for integrated healthcare and road safety, through new business models and the integration of production processes in industry 4.0, up to professional enrichment for millions of workers”.


Furthermore, digital technology represents a fundamental lever for any development of idea that looks to the long term; being a strategic factor for the success of the reform and relaunching process of Italy and Europe as a whole. A country that aspires to be socially cohesive and to grow, needs both ultra-fast and high-performance infrastructures throughout the country; as well as investments in people and in workers so that training and skills can be the main engine to restart”.


The 5G FED CONFERENCE is part of the co-events hosted during the 18th DIGITAL EUROPEAN FORUM (18 June and 11/12 November 2021), which includes the Tech Talks series, that have reached an important success with the participation of a large audience.

Assotelecomunicazioni Asstel

Inside the Confindustria system, Asstel represents the entire TLC chain, which has 130,000 employees and includes companies that manage fixed and radio-mobile telecommunications networks and accessory digital services; manufacturers and suppliers of user terminals; manufacturers and suppliers of network infrastructures; equipment and software services for telecommunications; the managers of network services and infrastructures, including outsourced ones; the managers of Customer Relationship Management and Business Process Outsourcing services. www.asstel.it

 European Digital Forum

In 17 editions, the European Digital Forum has welcomed 702 speakers representing 42 countries, 4,410 delegates and 872 European companies, who have created a high-level Think Tank in Lucca, with a recognized professional networking, always full of absolute previews.

In the 2020 digital edition, over 18 thousand people attended the virtual event with a rich network of over 756 participants.


 @ComunicareDigit – ForumLucca


Further information:

 LORENZO MICHELOZZI media relations


Tel: +34 697 437 968




Tel: +34 697 790 306

ASSTEL.UFFICIOSTAMPA(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ASSTEL.IT">asstel.ufficiostampa@asstel.it


May 14, 2021
9:30 am - 1:00 pm CEST


5G-Crosshaul – the fusion of Fronthaul and Backhaul in 5G! @MWC 2017
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