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5G PPP @4th CLEEN workshop (30 May-1 June 2016): How cloudy and green will mobile networks and services be?
May 30, 2016 - June 1, 2016
The fourth edition of this workshop is a joint initiative organized by three 5G PPP projects funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, and it covers common aspects of interest in order meet the need to study new technological trends in mobile communications. In particular, the collaborating projects are: Flex5Gware, 5G NORMA and Speed-5G. The CLEEN (Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks) workshop is organised in conjunction with the 11th edition of CrownCom, the International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks. It will take place in Grenoble (France) from 30th May to 1st June 2016.
This workshop explores novel concepts to allow for flexibly centralised radio access networks using cloud-processing based on open IT platforms, in coordination with network virtualization technologies (including Mobile Edge Computing) recognized as key enablers for the definition of future 5G systems. The aim is to allow for a guaranteed high quality of experience for mobile access to cloud-processing resources and services, and to allow a future network evolution focused on energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In fact, all future innovative network solutions will be conceived and deployed with a long term perspective of sustainability, both in terms of energy consumption of mobile network (and related interoperability with terminals) and cost efficiency of the different deployment and management options. This requires new concepts for the design, operation, and optimization of radio access networks, backhaul networks, operation and management algorithms, and architectural elements, tightly integrating mobile networks and cloud-processing. This workshop will cover technologies across PHY, MAC, and network layers, technologies which translate the cloud-paradigm to the radio access and backhaul network, and will analyse the network evolution from the energy efficiency perspective. It will study the requirements, constraints, and implications for mobile communication networks, and also potential relationship with the offered service, both from the academic and the industrial point of view.
Papers are welcome in the following areas:
Centralised/Decentralised PHY and MAC processing
-Flexible assignment of functionality in mobile networks
-Joint operation and optimisation of radio access and backhaul networks for cloud-based mobile networks
-Integration of cloud-services into green hetereogeneous wireless networks
-Management of cloud-based/cloud-operated heterogeneous networks providing access to cloud services
-Energy efficiency vs. QoS vs cost-efficiency trade-offs
-Architectual evolution of mobile networks
-Mobile Edge Computing and related enablers (e.g. new interfaces, protocols, node-to-node communication, D2D communication,…)
-Cost effective deployment stratégies for evolved heterogenous wireless network
-Service and energy management aspects of cloud-based mobile networks
-Storage and computation capability of small cells
-Resource allocation techniques; interference analysis, avoidance, and mitigation for heterogeneous networks
-Testbeds and performance evaluation for cloud-based mobile communication networks
Papers can be submitted online. Information is available here.
Note the following dates:
-Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2016
-Notifications of Acceptance: March 4, 2016
-Final paper (“camera-ready”): March 18, 2016
More information is available here.