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2nd WS on 5G PHY/MAC layers Design and Hardware Aspects @EuCNC 2017

June 12, 2017 @ 7:00 am - 4:00 pm CEST

FANTASTIC5G, Speed5G, Flex5GWare are organising the 2nd edition of the 5G PPP workshop on 5G PHY/MAC Layers Design and Hardware Aspects Below and Above 6 GHz on June 12th at 1:30 pm, in Oulu, Finland @EuCNC.

The air interfaces for 2G, 3G, and 4G were all designed for specific use cases (limited only to voice and data communications) with a certain number of limited KPIs in mind (throughput, capacity, dropped/blocked call rates, etc.). However, 5G requires the support of a much broader class of services and consequently a very diverse family of devices and traffic characteristics. The scope of this workshop is to find the major conclusions and results of the FANTASTIC-5G, SPEED-5G and Flex5GWare projects on the design of the new 5G air interface below 6 GHz account that supports all such application constraints. This will specifically include the specific findings regarding 5G new waveforms, flexible air interface for the 5G vertical market, coexistence issues, flexible and adaptive novel MAC design, and a much more dynamic management of the available spectrum resources and advanced sensing techniques. In addition, the workshop will present enabling technology solutions for massive machine-type communication, ultra-reliable communications as well as interference mitigation with FDD and TDD providing 7-10x higher spectral efficiency over LTE 4×4 outcome. Eventually, the workshop will highlight implementation issues of the new 5G air interface for bands below and above 6 GHz, which will pose stringent requirements on the hardware platforms. For this reason, an important topic in this workshop is related to new concepts and solutions for highly performant, energy efficient and flexible hardware (both analogue and digital) in 5G networks.

The agenda is as follows:

-Keynote on “New PHY/MAC directions in 5GPPP”, Harish Viswanathan, Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill (USA)
-Talk 1: “FANTASTIC-5G Achievements & Next Steps”, Frank Schaich, Nokia Bell Labs, Stuttgart (Germany)
-Talk 2: “FANTASTIC-5G Massive MTC solutions”, Gerhard Wunder, FU Berlin (Germany)

-Keynote on “The SPEED-5G Vision on a flexible and effective 5G access stratum”, Klaus Moessner, University of Surrey, Surrey (UK)

Coffee Break

-Talk 3: “Advanced flexible MAC for 5G and beyond”, Valerio Frascolla, Intel (Germany)
-Talk 4: “Interfaces towards upper layers: the RRM for 5G”, Keith Briggs, BT (UK)

-Keynote on “Why Will Computing Power Need Particular Attention in Future Wireless Devices?”, Aarne Mämmelä, VTT, (Finland)
-Talk 5: “Flexible solution for 5G baseband processing”, Tapio Rautio, VTT (Finland)
-Talk 6: “Enabling energy-awareness via function partitioning and bandwidth adaptation in 5G”, Miquel Payaró, CTTC (Spain)


Organising committee:

Frank Schaich, Alcatel-Lucent, frank.schaich@alcatel-lucent.com
Salah Eddine Elayoubi, Orange, salaheddine.elayoubi(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)orange.com">salaheddine.elayoubi@orange.com
Gerhard Wunder, Heinrich Hertz Institute, gerhard.wunder(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)hhi.fraunhofer.de">gerhard.wunder@hhi.fraunhofer.de
Michael Färber, Intel Deutschland, michael.faerber(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)intel.com">michael.faerber@intel.com
Tapio Rautio, VTT, tapio.rautio(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vtt.fi">tapio.rautio@vtt.fi
Miquel Payaró, CTTC, miquel.payaro(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)cttc.es">miquel.payaro@cttc.es
Valerio Frascolla, Intel Deutschland, Valerio.frascolla(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)intel.com">Valerio.frascolla@intel.com


June 12, 2017
7:00 am - 4:00 pm CEST



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