The 6G IA General assembly was held on the 14/12/2023 via electronic means of communication (Webinar) where many important points were discussed, decisions were made and some important follow-on actions were set in motion:
- Amendments to the 6G-IA Statutes (presentation slides)
- Membership Fees for 2024 & 6G-IA News and Updates. (presentation slides)
- Decision on Membership Fees 2024 was made subject to the formal decision on the revised Statutes
- Presentation of the SNS JU Office by Erzsébet Fitori, Executive Director of the SNS JU. (presentation slides)
- Keynote speech by Prof Mischa Dohler, VP Emerging Technologies at Ericsson Inc. Silicon Valley,
- The status and challenges of 6G in the US. (presentation slides)
- AOB/Close of meeting