Press Release
5G IA hosted the 7th Global 5G Event
on 17-18 June in Valencia, Spain in co-operation with the leading 5G visionary organizations from Brazil, China, Japan, the Americas and the Republic of Korea.
Brussels, 5 July 2019 – 5G IA hosted the 7th edition of the Global 5G Event on 17-18 June in Valencia (Spain). The Global 5G Event is a unique series of summits organized by the world’s leading 5G organizations committed to bringing 5G technology successfully to their country or region. It has been developed in the framework of a multilateral Memorandum of Understanding in the interest of building global consensus on 5G and achieving efficiencies in the roll-out of 5G technology between 5G IA (EU), 5G Americas, 5G Forum (Korea), 5G MF (Japan), 5G Brasil and IMT-2020 (China).
The 7th Global 5G Event featured six sessions with 49 top class international presenters from business, research, European Commission and governments across the globe covering key aspects of 5G technology and providing excellent insights and perspectives from different regions of the world. A highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Tomás Alonso (Orange, Spain), which demonstrated an impressive live 5G holographic videocall.
The 7th Global 5G Event was co-located with EuCNC 2019 – European Conference on Networks and Communications. Thanks to the great synergy between these two major events, besides the conference sessions, visitors enjoyed an exhibition area with over 75 stands with compelling state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor 5G demonstrations, including those from many 5G PPP projects. Over 550 participants from all over the world attended this edition of the Global 5G Event over the two days contributing to make it a remarkable success.
The 8th Global 5G Event will be hosted by IMT-2020 in the last week of June 2020 in Shanghai, China.
“I think the 7th Global 5G Event was an amazing success. It enabled the participants to get a complete global overview of the current 5G status in terms of research, trails and deployments at one event. In addition this event clearly marked the transition from 5G in theory to 5G in practice, this being clearly shown by the multitude of outstanding live 5G demonstrations by the 5G PPP projects” stated Dr. Colin Willcock, Chairman of the Board of the 5G IA.
“The 7th Global 5G Event highlighted the start of the 5G commercial ecosystem as well as the need for additional low, mid and high band licensed spectrum. The event was a great opportunity for leading 5G associations to collaborate and provide their viewpoints of the key ingredients needed for 5G commercial success” stated Chris Pearson, President of 5G Americas.
“2019 is the year of 5G commercialization. The 7th Global 5G Event shows both the surprises and challenges brought by 5G, which makes us full of expectation for the future. 5G commercialization will drive the industry development and empower the digital economy. In order to realize a successful commercial 5G, IMT-2020 Promotion Group is willing to cooperate with the global industry to paint the beautiful picture of 5G together. And welcome to the 8th Global 5G Event in Shanghai, China 2020” noted Zhiqin Wang, Chairwoman of IMT-2020 (5G) PG.
“The 7th Global 5G Event was an excellent opportunity to understand how the 5g networks will evolve from the present moment (where the first commercial networks are being implemented) to the moment in which all the scenarios of use will be contemplated. Experts from around the world have analyzed this evolution path and discussed the strategies for the success of 5G networks and the development necessary for the network to deliver applications across the vertical markets. A great event!” commented Jose Marcos C. Brito, General Secretary of 5G Brasil.
“The 7th Global 5G Event was a complete success and great opportunity in sharing what it takes to make 5G business successful and how government-industry collaboration would come into play at the early stage of 5G for promoting 5G industry ecosystems in each region” stated DongKu Kim, Chairman of Executive Committee, 5G Forum.
“The 7th Global 5G Event was very useful to discuss the perspectives of 5G Business towards 5G commercial success in each region. Especially, it was very impressive to be demonstrated the holographic remote session by Orange, Spain. We could confirm the many important issues to promote the deployment of 5G Business which are collaborating with Industries. 5GMF will continue to challenge the new issues as Loca/Praivate 5G for the development to local/rural area and the industrial utilization” stated Mr. Yoshinori Ohmura, Acting Secretary General of 5GMF.
Presentations, videos, photos and additional information on the 7th Global 5G Event and EuCNC 2019 sessions are available.
About the 5G IA
The 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is the 5G collaborative research program that is organized as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program – The European Union Program for Research and Innovation. It is aimed at fostering industry-driven research, monitored by business-related, technological performance and societal KPIs. The 5G PPP will deliver solutions, architectures, technologies and standards for ubiquitous next-generation communication infrastructure over the coming decade.
In the 5G PPP, the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) represents the private side and the European Commission the public side. The 5G IA is committed to the advancement of 5G in Europe and to building global consensus on 5G. To this aim, the Association brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals and SMEs. The 5G IA carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas including standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technology skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, notably for the development of trials, and international cooperation. Learn more about 5G Infrastructure Association at
Twitter: @5GPPP
About 5G Americas
5G Americas is an industry trade organization composed of leading telecommunications service providers and manufacturers. The organization’s mission is to advocate for and foster the advancement and full capabilities of LTE wireless technologies and their evolution to 5G, throughout the ecosystem’s networks, services, applications and wirelessly connected devices in the Americas. 5G Americas is invested in developing a connected wireless community while leading 5G development for all the Americas. 5G Americas is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. More information is available at or Twitter @5GAmericas.
About the 5G Forum
Korean government founded the private and public 5G Forum on May 2013, which makes up with public and private sectors including mobile telecommunication carriers, manufacturers and academic professionals. The goal of the 5G Forum is to support and propose 5G convergence strategies to assist the Ministry, support 5G vertical trials and their coordination, promoting 5G ecosystem, and tracking technology & standardization. By 2020, South Korean government intends to commercially deploy the world first 5G mobile telecommunication technology. Mr. SeongMok Oh, the president of KT, is the incumbent chairperson of the 5G Forum with co- chairs of SK Telecom, LGU+, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Samsung Electronics, LG electronics, Ericsson-LG, TTA(Telecommunication Technology Association), KMW, Innowireless, GigaKorea Foundation. More information is available at
About the IMT-2020 (5G) PG
The IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group was established in February 2013, with the support of three ministries of China (the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Science and Technology), based on the original IMT-Advanced Promotion Group. It is the major platform to promote the research and development of 5G in China. Its members include the leading operators, vendors, universities, and research institutes in the field of mobile communications. More information is available at
About the 5GMF
The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) was founded on September 30 2014. 5GMF has been conducting research & development concerning 5G (The fifth Generation Mobile Communications Systems): including the standardization thereof, along with liaison & coordination with related organizations, the collection of information, and the dissemination & enlightenment activities. Towards 5G realization by 2020, these activities will contribute to the sound development of the 5G Eco-society. More information is available at
About 5G Brasil
The main objective of the 5G Brasil project is to foster the development of the 5G ecosystem in Brazil and contribute to the global definition of this technology. The 5G Brasil Project has 22 associates (including operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, and companies associations) involving more than 120 professionals. The activities of 5G Brasil are performed by a Steering Committee and by five thematic commissions: Research and Use Cases, Pre-Standards, Backhaul Infrastructure, Future Frequencies Bands, Verticals Regulatory Actions and Market Actions. The 5G Brasil Project advocates the inclusion of a fourth scenario for 5G networks: 5G for remote areas.
Contact Information:
Alessandro Bedeschi
Jaewon HEO
5G Forum
José Marcos C. Brito
5G Brasil
Ying ZHU
IMT-2020 (5G) PG
Vicki Livingston
5G Americas
Cell: +1 414 688 9000
Yoshinori Ohmura
Phone: +81-3-5510-8594