This form is collecting data for the Vertical Engagement Tracker tool developed by the SNS ICE project consortium on behalf of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).
The Vertical Engagement Tracker is an online tool aimed at mapping verticals associations and activities creating a collection of use cases interacting with relevant industrial associations.
By filling this form you agree to publicly share information about your SNS project’s use cases. Personal or other sensitive information will not be disclosed. All data will be handled in compliance with European Union GDPR regulations.
Thank you for your contribution!
Project Name*
SNS JU Phase*
SNS JU Stream*
Use Case Name*
Use Case Contact Name*
Use Case Contact email*
Vertical Sector*
If “Other” please specify:
Type of Experiment*
If “Other” please specify:
Use Case Location (lab Location)*
Use Case Summary*
Do you have any interest to offer DIHs the possibility to replicate the use case?