SUPERFLUIDITY @2nd Global 5G Event in Rome

 In News, Press releases

SUPERFLUIDITY will instantiate and provision network functions and services on-the-fly, run them anywhere in the network, move them transparently to different locations, and make them portable across multiple hardware platforms. As a result, the 5G network will benefit from: i) location-independence: network services deployable in heterogeneous networks; ii) time-independence: near instantaneous deployment and migration of services; iii) scale-independence: transparent service scalability; and iv) hardware-independence: development and deployment of highly performant services, irrespective of the underlying hardware. The end result is a cloud-native 5G concept that will enable innovative use cases at the mobile edge, empower new business models, and reduce investment and operational costs.

SUPERFLUIDITY presented two demonstrations: 1) rapid deployment/reconfiguration of a software-defined wireless network (C-RAN), integrated with Mobile Edge Computing, for efficient video delivery from the edge; 2) Demand-driven orchestration for 5G deployments.


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