The 6G-IA,  together with AENEAS, is organising a open webinar on :

R&I Goals and Opportunities for Micro-Electronics in 6G Networks

On Thursday 15 December 2022  at 10:00 CET

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The purpose of the webinar is to summarise the European policies and goals for Micro-Electronics in 6G Networks and to discuss the related 2023 calls for projects in this area in both the KDT JU and the SNS JU programmes.


The current race towards the definition of 6G systems has already started and is the subject of vibrant competition from Europe’s main competitors, notably the US, China, Japan and South Korea. Microelectronics is becoming a key issue for competitive solutions provided by European vendors and suppliers and microelectronics companies worldwide are also expected to play an important role in the 6G standardisation activities – which should start around 2025. It is hence important to have a critical mass of microelectronic actors well prepared to contribute to the standardisation process, especially for the lower radio layers where the bulk of essential patents for standards implementation are usually located.

The European Chips Act, adopted by the Commission in early 2022 aims to enhance Europe’s competitiveness and resilience in semiconductor technologies and applications and help achieve both the digital and green transition. One of its objectives is to help Europe reach leadership in chips for digital connectivity infrastructures. Europe has a leading position in the global connectivity infrastructure market, while at the same time has strong dependencies on chipset vendors from outside the European Union.

In this context, and with the clear aim of reinforcing European strength in microelectronics and connectivity, the KDT and SNS JUs are both launching focus topics as complementary activities in their respective Work Programmes.


  • 10:00-10:10  Opening – Welcome – Colin Willcock GB Chairman 6G-IA & SNS JU GB Chairman and Caroline Bedran Director General AENEAS
  • 10:10-10:30  European policy on micro-electronics for connectivity – Bernard Barani Deputy Head of Unit E.1 and Arian Zwegers Head of sector DG CNECT Unit A.3
  • 10:30-10:45  6G related topics in the context of KDT Berta Ferrer Llosa KDT JU Programme Officer and Patrick Cogez Technical Director AENEAS
  • 10:45-11:00  Micro-electronics related topics for 6G networks and systems in the context of the SNS JU -Pavlos Fournogerakis SNS JU Programme Officer and Alex Kaloxylos Executive Director 6G-IA
  • 11:00-11:15  Q&A


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