Leading 5G Visionary Organizations in Europe, USA, Japan, South Korea and China offer Global 5G Event
Beijing, China – May 23, 2016 – Leading global associations from the world’s regions are joining together to offer the first of the biannual Global 5G Events in Beijing on May 31 and June 1, 2016. The hosting association, IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group in China, has organized the first event, “Building the 5G Technology Ecosystem” to bring together experts from all corners of the globe to discuss the status and progress on 5G through a series of focused sessions.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate on the organization of a series of “Global 5G Events” in the interest of efficiency and building global consensus on 5G, was announced in October 2015 by the following parties of the Memorandum: 5G Americas, (Americas), The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) (Japan), 5G Forum (Republic of Korea), IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group (China) and The 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) (Europe).
Along with association executives, regulators and policy makers, leading operators and manufacturers representing the five world regions, Chris Pearson, President of 5G Americas will provide presentations and panel participations at the Global 5G Event. Chris Pearson stated, “5G Americas is honored to serve as one of the five leading regional associations and participate at the first multi-lateral association Global 5G Event as we engage on the critical early pre-standard steps to plan for IMT-2020 and share our knowledge at the conference.”
Ms. CAO Shumin, Chair of IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group, stated, “The multi-lateral cooperation among the five leading 5G associations is a good foundation for the globally unified 5G standard and ecosystem. IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group is very honored to host the first Global 5G Event in cooperation with the other associations. A number of top mobile operators, vendors, and organizations will take part in this event. We are looking forward to more achievements with global consensus.”
Werner Mohr, Chair of the Board, 5G PPP, will provide a presentation on research and development of 5G systems in Europe by involving vertical sectors and will participate to panel discussions. Werner Mohr commented, “This first Global 5G Event will enable to foster communication between our organizations and will help the mobile industry make the most of the valuable work at our leading 5G visionary organizations.”
The “Global 5G Events” intend to support multi-lateral collaboration on 5G systems across continents and countries. “Building the 5G Technology Ecosystem” will feature sessions on:
- 5G System Design
- 5G Air Interface
- 5G Network & Operation
- Technologies for 5G Terminals
- Testing Technologies for 5G
- 5G and Vertical Industries
For more information on the program and conference, visit the Updated General information of the First Global 5G Event. The Second Global 5G Event will take place in Rome (Italy) on November 9-10, 2016.
About 5G Americas: The Voice of 5G and LTE for the Americas:
5G Americas is an industry trade organization composed of leading telecommunications service providers and manufacturers. The organization’s mission is to advocate for and foster the advancement and full capabilities of LTE wireless technology and its evolution beyond to 5G, throughout the ecosystem’s networks, services, applications and wirelessly connected devices in the Americas. 5G Americas is invested in developing a connected wireless community while leading 5G development for all the Americas. 5G Americas is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and officially announced the change of the organization’s name from 4G Americas on February 12, 2016.
More information is available at www.5gamericas.org or Twitter @5GAmericas.
About IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group: The major platform to promote 5G research in China
IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group has been jointly established by three ministries in China (the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology) in February 2013, based on the original IMT-Advanced Promotion Group. It is the major platform to promote the research of 5G in China. Its members include the leading operators, vendors, universities, and research institutes in the field of mobile communications.
More information is available at www.imt-2020.cn
About The 5G Mobile Communications Promotion Forum Japan
The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) was created to conduct research & development concerning the fifth Generation Mobile Communications Systems and research and study pertaining to standardization thereof, along with liaison and coordination with related organizations, the collection of information, and dissemination and enlightenment activities aimed at the early realization of the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Systems, all with the aim of thereby contributing to the sound development of the use of telecommunications.
More information is available at http://5gmf.jp/en/
About the 5G Forum
The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and mobile industries in Korea founded the 5G Forum in Seoul on May 30, 2013. 5G Forum members consists of public and private sectors, including mobile telecommunication carriers, manufacturers and academic professionals.
The goal of the 5G Forum is to assist in the development of the standard and contribute to its globalization. By 2020 the South Korean government intends to commercially deploy 5G mobile telecommunication technology for the first time in the world featuring five core 5G services during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics. This would include social networking services; mobile 3D imaging; artificial intelligence; high-speed services; and ultra- and high-definition resolution capabilities; and holographic technologies.
Hyounghee LEE, business division head of SK Telecom, South Korea’s largest Telecom Company, is chairperson of the forum. The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); three major telecom companies; and several major electronics companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG electronics, KMW and Dio Interactive, were appointed to the Board as co-chairs.
More information is available at www.5gforum.org.
About The 5G Public Private Partnership
5G PPP is a collaborative research program that is organized as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program – The European Union Program for Research and Innovation. It is aimed at fostering industry-driven research, which is controlled by business-related, performance and societal KPIs. The 5G PPP has a lifetime from 2014 to 2020 and is open for international cooperation and participation. Within this research and innovation framework, the European Commission, with the approval of the European Parliament, has committed 700M€ of public funds to supporting 5G PPP activities. Complementary private investment in the order of five times this amount is expected to be provided by Industry, SME, and Research Institutes to realize the 5G-PPP vision. The private side in 5G PPP is represented by the 5G Infrastructure Association.
More information is available at http://5g-ppp.eu/ Twitter: @5GPPP
Vicki Livingston
5G Americas
Phone: +1 239 732 4662
Cell: +1 414 688 9000
Mail to: vicki.livingston(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)5gamericas.org
Xiaobei Chen
IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group
Phone: +86-10-62300182
Mail to: imt2020(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)catr.cn
Jacques Magen
5G Infrastructure Association
Mail to: jmagen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)5g-ppp.eu">jmagen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)5g-ppp.eu
Jaewon HEO
5G Forum
Mail to: jwheo(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)kani.or.kr
Yoshinori Ohmura
Phone: +81-3-5510-8594
Mail to: y-ohmura(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)arib.or.jp">y-ohmura(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)arib.or.jp