Joint Demo Flex5Gware and 5G-Crosshaul @CLEEN’17

 In News, Press releases

Turin, June 21-22, 2017 – Joint Demo at Flex5Gware Final Event: “Network split with integrated fronthaul and backhaul”

The CLEEN’17 workshop demo has shown that the 5G-Crosshaul XPFEs are capable of transporting fronthaul and backhaul traffic generated by the Flex5GWare scenario. A video server located in the EPC machine streamed video to the UE, this traffic was encapsulated, forwarded, decapsulated and delivered within the LENA scenario (L2 and above) and also transported to the LTE transmitter (L1) that runs different functional splits showing the energy consumption in real time.

More information on Flex5Gware and 5g-Crosshaul.

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