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SELFNET Industry Workshop – Effective Network Management in 5G
May 24, 2018 @ 10:30 am - 3:30 pm CEST
Registration deadline: 30 April 2018
Why you cannot afford to miss this workshop
If you are involved in network management – either on the operator side, the vendor side, or as an academic partner via the 5G-PPP – this workshop is for you.
There are three main reasons why you cannot afford to miss this workshop:
- You will get first-hand information on the innovative network management framework developed by 5G-PPP project SELFNET,
which has the potential to help you manage your 5G network more effectively while reducing operational expenditure. - You will have a chance to influence the offerings of SELFNET-based network management solutions,
which will be commercially developed by SELFNET consortium partners. - You will have a unique opportunity to discuss with the developers of the network management framework and
your peers the challenges and solutions for effectively managing your network in a way that reduces both security risks and costs (opex and capex).
What you will see – The SELFNET network management framework
The SELFNET network management framework, which we will present at the workshop, provides three major benefits for 5G networks:
- The SELFNET framework helps operators build a resilient network infrastructure for 5G, which makes the most effective use of the network technologies they already have.
- The SELFNET framework enables service providers to significantly reduce the time for service creation, depending on the conditions down to about 10 minutes.
- The SELFNET framework can help network operators significantly reduce the total cost of ownership for their network infrastructures.
10:30-11:00 On-site registration and networking
11:00-11:10 Welcome and programme overview – Milon Gupta, Eurescom
11:10-11:40 How SELFNET results contribute to autonomous networking in 5G – Rui Calé, Altice Labs
11:40-12:15 The commercial potential of SELFNET results
- Commercial exploitation approaches of SELFNET – Giacomo Bernini, Nextworks (tbc)
Brief introductions to SELFNET use case results:
- Self-healing (use case 1) – Gonçalo Gaspar, AlticeLabs (tbc)
- Self-protection (use case 2) – Gregorio Martinez Pérez, University of Murcia
- Self-optimisation (use case 3) – Andreas Foglar, InnoRoute
12:15-14:15 Networking lunch and demonstration of selected results
SELFNET use case results explained at demo tables:
- Self-healing (use case 1)
- Self-protection (use case 2)
- Self-optimisation (use case 3)
14:15-15:15 Panel discussion
Autonomous network management in 5G – Vision, results, and next steps
The SELFNET results mark an important step on the way to autonomous 5G network management based on artificial intelligence. The key question now is: what next?
Leading European network management experts will share their insights on what has been and what should be done on the road to autonomous and automated 5G networks.
Further questions to be discussed by the panel participants include:
- How will autonomic management technologies help achieve full automation of networks?
- What is the status of standardisation on autonomous and automated network management?
- How will autonomous and automated network management change the business of telcos and vendors?
Panel participants: to be announced soon
Moderator: David Kennedy, Eurescom
15:15-15:30 Outlook on future research in the area of autonomous network management
– Maria Barros Weiss and Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom, SELFNET coordinators
Who will attend – Meet your peers from the telecoms industry
Our industry workshop is aiming to attract particularly representatives from telecoms network operators, vendors and solution providers.
We would like to ensure that we have a good number of business-oriented representatives from the telecoms industry in the room to enable productive peer-to-peer talks.
This includes:
- Senior managers from innovation and operations departments at network operators and service providers
- Senior managers from innovation and product development at telecoms vendors
- Representatives of relevant bodies like the 5G Infrastructure Association and standards organisations like ETSI.
Where and when – Venue, date and time
- Venue: Print Media Academy, Heidelberg, Germany
- Date: Thursday, 24 May 2018
- Time: 10.30 – 15:30
Free registration – deadline: 30 April
To secure your seat, please register for free via the Registration Page. Registrations will be on a first come, first serve basis. The number of participants is limited to 50.
The registration deadline is 30 April 2018. In exceptional cases, we reserve the right to reject a registration, if it does not fit our target audience profile as described above.
Click to go to the Registration Page
SELFNET is supported by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement number H2020-ICT-2014-2/671672