5G PPP Newsletter #1
Recently, the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership, 5G PPP, signed partnerships with similar 5G programs outside Europe.
- In June 2014, the European Commission and the South Korean Ministry of Science signed an agreement to “deepen discussions in the area of Net Futures”. They agreed to work together towards a global definition for 5G. They also decided to cooperate on R&D for 5G. A cooperation framework was settled by a Memorandum of Understanding signed in June 2014 by the 5G Infrastructure Association. The MoU for the 5G vision defines requirements, concept, frequency and global standards preparation.
- Early March 2015, a MoU was signed between 5G PPP and 4G Americas (www.4gamericas.org/en/ ). Both organisations will share information on 5G concepts and on spectrum.
- Also in March 2015, the 5G PPP and the 5GMF (http://5gmf.jp/en/ )signed a Memorandum of Understanding for 5G in which both organisations stated they will collaborate in road mapping and developing 5G.
- At the end of September 2015, the 5G PPP and IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group (http://www.imt-2020.cn/en/ ) in China signed a MoU.
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